Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life Traveller

I've been to London, Paris and France. Went to New Zealand to see the rare plants.
I've been to Iceland and Kalamazoo. To Holland and Russia...Now, what about you?
I've seen the Ritz and the Champs Elize, Watched the sun set over fair Monterrey.
Trekked to the top of Mt. Everest's scene.
What about you? Tell me, where have you been?

I've been to love in a teenager's race.
Stared at divorce and laughed back in his face.
I've been to hell singing soft Lullabies;
Wept as I watched my child's unseeing eyes.
I've been to lonliness, prayed for respite.
Kept fearsome vigils through many a night.
I've been to hopelessness, wondering why
God would just sit there, ignoring my cry.
I've worked the wards at the end of the line;
Seen them draw breath for the very last time.
Watched as life ebbed with no reason or rhyme...

Actually...I've never really felt
the need to travel!

Can the world show me sights that I never have seen?
Can it take me to places that I've never been?
Could some mystical trip on a magical day
Change my mountains to dust hills and blow them away?
Could a hiking guide give me a map for the trail?
Could a travel book help me to draw back the veil?
Could someone shed light on the reason for pain,
And the reason for dying and living again?

If the man on the tree, now suspended in time
Has an answer worth hearing, a reason, a rhyme,
Let him Shout it out loudly.....

We don't want to hear.

He has told us before and we will not give ear.
Cause in listening and learning we'd have to obey,
And bowing our stiff knees,surrender and pray.
We'd rather run off to see Paris or Rome.
When troubles surround us we leave them at home.
We see all the sights and we taste all the wine,
And we secretly pray for the ending of time.

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